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Causes of obesity in children-save your child

Causes of obesity in children-save your child

Obesity in children(obesity)

Obesity is an epidemic in the United States, and children are its victims according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. 34% of children between the ages of 6 and 11 are overweight or obese.childhood obesity has actually been linked to the development of cancer later in life. About 8% of all cancers diagnosed in adults are actually caused by excess body fat during childhood.

Obesity in children occurs primarily due to the lack of a healthy diet and lack of physical activity. Children may be at risk of being overweight if they don't eat a balanced diet, are often at the computer or watching TV, or don't get enough sleep. Parents can help prevent childhood obesity by making sure their children maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Causes of sudden obesity in children

Obesity in children is a big problem all over the world and is caused by several factors, including the following:

  • 1. Lack of physical activity children spend more time playing video games, watching TV, or using computers and other entertainment devices. Instead of engaging in physical activities that help them lose weight.

  • 2. Frequent intake of processed foods can lead to eating a lot of fast food. Which are high in carbohydrates, fats and calories but low in vitamins, minerals and fiber, can lead to obesity due to excessive calorie intake. This explains why it is so important for parents to monitor what their children eat and make sure they eat healthy food with proper nutrition.

  • 3. A family history of obesity when a child becomes one. Obesity in children can have many causes and these include genetic factors, eating habits, parents ' lifestyle and even physical activity levels. In some cases, there may be a medical condition or other underlying disease responsible for being overweight.

  • 4. One of the reasons for the child's obesity may be a deficiency or malfunction in the thyroid gland or a difference in the body's hormone index.


Causes of obesity in infants

Children over the past thirty years. Obesity rates in US children have tripled, and over the same period of time, breastfeeding rates have decreased significantly. It is believed that many factors contribute to this alarming trend, but it is believed that the frequent introduction of solid foods before children are six months old. It is one of the main reasons why children develop unhealthy eating habits that may lead to obesity later in life.
