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Obesity is one of the serious problems affecting the health of

 And the lives of the people who get it, where these people wonder

People about the reason for the accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous layer, which forms the main stock of fat and collects it, and has several functions, including storing the energy necessary in carrying out all activities, also forms an insulator for the skin to protect it, and maintains the internal body temperature, but when these fats increase and accumulate more than the amount

 The desired person is obese, and it may increase to reach extreme obesity

Where it is considered the most dangerous for the health of the body in general, and the body is in the form of

General and more prone to diseases as a result of

High levels of bad cholesterol and thus cause atherosclerosis and

The occurrence of cardiac arrest, or blood pressure rises above the normal level and therefore

The occurrence of a rupture of the aorta. 

Obesity causes

There are many causes that cause obesity, including the following

  •      Eat food furiously and a large amount, especially those that contain high calories and rely entirely on eating fast food.
  • Drink carbonated drinks abundantly.
  •  Dependence on the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars.
  • The cheapest foods to burn fat and lose weight quickly
  •      Eat foods that increase appetite.
  •      Diseases of the hormonal system or dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  •     Eating meals out of time, especially eating meals at night and then resorting to sleep.
  •      Genetic factors.

Methods of treating obesity

There are many ways in which obesity can be treated, including the following

  •     Reduce the amount of calories lost per day so that they are less than the calories your body needs.
  •      Stay away from foods that contain carbohydrates, sugars and fats and replace them with foods that contain useful nutrients such as fruits and vegetables.
  •      Exercise on a daily basis, doing some simple exercise at home, walking for half an hour, swimming or jogging long distances, as it is useful so that you burn the accumulated fat in the body.
  •     Reduce drinking coffee and tea because they contain caffeine. 
  •  Do not overeat high-content food such as cheese and pickles.
  •  Do not neglect breakfast, as it reduces appetite, which works to supply the body with energy.
  •  Avoid drinking carbonated drinks of all kinds, as they contain a high sugar content.
  •  Replace carbonated drinks with natural homemade juices. 
