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How to get a blue tick on Twitter

How to get a blue tick on Twitter

If you're serious about Twitter, then you need a blue tick. A blue tick on Twitter indicates that an account is verified and is of public interest. This can be incredibly beneficial for businesses and individuals who use Twitter for marketing and networking purposes.

How to get a blue tick on Twitter

Photo by Tina Nord on Pexels

There are a few requirements that you'll need to meet in order to get a blue tick on Twitter, but it's definitely worth it. In this blog post, we'll go over everything you need to know about getting a blue tick on Twitter.

Why you need a blue tick on Twitter.

A blue tick on Twitter signifies that an account is verified, which confers many benefits. For one, verified accounts are more likely to appear in search results, making them more visible to potential followers. Furthermore, verified accounts are less likely to be suspended or deleted by Twitter, and have access to certain features that non-verified users do not, such as the ability to create a custom URL. Finally, having a blue tick lends credibility to an account and makes it more trustworthy.

How to get a blue tick on Twitter

There are several ways to get a blue tick on Twitter. The most common method is to be verified by Twitter itself – typically, Twitter will verify accounts that are of public interest, such as those belonging to celebrities, politicians, journalists, and major brands. Another way to get verified is to be affiliated with a verified organization – for example, if you work for a company that is already verified on Twitter, your account is more likely to be verified as well. Finally, you can also try contacting Twitter directly and requesting verification; however, this method is much less likely to be successful.

How to increase your chances of getting a blue tick on Twitter.

In order to be eligible for a blue tick on Twitter, you must meet the following criteria:

-You must be an individual, organization, or company with a verified phone number and email address.

-You must have a bio that is complete and accurate.

-You must have a profile photo.

-You must have a header photo.

-You must be active on Twitter for at least 60 days.

-Your account must be in good standing. This means that you should not have violated any of Twitter's rules or guidelines.

How to apply for a blue tick on Twitter.

Once you have met all of the requirements listed in Subsection 2.1, you can begin the application process for a blue tick on Twitter. The first step is to log into your Twitter account and go to the "Edit Profile" page. On this page, you will see an option to "Request verification." Click this button and fill out the form that appears. You will need to provide your full name, as well as the reason why you believe you should be verified by Twitter. Once you have submitted this form, it will be up to Twitter to decide whether or not to grant you a blue tick.

What to do if you don't get a blue tick on Twitter.

If you don't get a blue tick on Twitter, don't worry! There is an appeals process that you can follow in order to try and get one. The first step is to fill out this form. Then, Twitter will review your account and decide if you are eligible for a blue tick or not.

If your appeal is successful, congratulations! You will now have a blue tick on your Twitter account. If not, don't fret – there are still things that you can do to increase your chances of getting one in the future. Keep reading to find out what those are.

How to get more followers on Twitter.

One of the requirements for getting a blue tick on Twitter is having a certain number of followers. So, if you don't have enough followers yet, start working on growing your audience! Here are some tips for how to do that:

• Use hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to get more eyes on your tweets. When you use relevant hashtags, people who are searching for those terms will be able to see your tweet – even if they don't follow you.

• Engage with other users: When you engage with other users on Twitter, they are more likely to notice you and follow you back. Try retweeting their content, replying to their tweets, or mentioning them in your own tweets.

• Post interesting content: This should go without saying, but if you want people to follow you, you need to post content that they will actually want to see! Make sure that your tweets are interesting, informative, or entertaining.


If you're looking to add some extra legitimacy to your Twitter account, then you'll want to get a blue tick. A blue tick on Twitter indicates that an account is verified, which can lend it more authority and help it to stand out from the crowd.

Getting a blue tick on Twitter is not an easy process, but there are certain things you can do to increase your chances. Firstly, make sure you meet all the requirements set out by Twitter. Then, fill out the application form correctly and provide all the necessary documentation. Even if you do everything right, there's no guarantee that you'll be successful – but it's certainly worth a try!

If your application for a blue tick is unsuccessful, don't despair. You can appeal the decision, and in the meantime there are other ways to make your account more visible and attractive to potential followers. Keep tweeting interesting and valuable content, and before long you should start seeing your follower count increasing.
